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are tearing New York City to shreds, with a full invasion force bent on
nothing less than the total annihilation of mankind. Neither
paramilitary law enforcement nor the might of the US military machine
can stand against the invaders. Only you have the technology to
survive, the unique Nanosuit 2 allows you to tackle the alien menace in
ways a regular soldier could only dream of.
Nanosuit 2:Adapt
your combat tactics using Stealth / Armor modes and supersoldier
agility, then customise your Nanosuit and weapons as your progress
New York New York:
Crysis® set the visual benchmark for PC games that still stands today.
Crysis 2 will redefine the benchmark on console and PC platforms, in
the catastrophic beauty of a destroyed New York City
Amazing Aliens and AI:
this challenging enemy will test your shooting skills, with unique
group coordination and behaviour and fast, agile, deadly attacks
World-renowned multi-player shooter studio Crytek UK has reinvented
multiplayer with the dynamic intensity of Nanosuit 2. Use the suit
modes expertly to get the drop on your enemies